| - This was my first time using a cleaning service for my 510 sq. foot 1 bedroom condo. I paid for the "Deep Clean" service instead of the "Basic" service, and to be honest, I'm don't even think I got a basic cleaning of my place. Overall I felt pretty ripped off.
Two people were sent and I was told they would be cleaning my place for 4 hours, but they left after 2 hours and seemed like they were in a rush (probably to catch the World Cup match they were peeking at while attempting to clean my place). My place is pretty small and I had already cleaned and organized my bedroom, so all they had to clean was my kitchen, bathroom and living room. After they had left, I was shocked to see grease splotches clearly visible on my kitchen wall, dust bunnies in the corner spots underneath my kitchen counter, and bathroom corners, stains around the kitchen, bathroom sinks and bath tubs, and mildew stains still visible on the bathroom tiles. I thought maybe the stains were too heavy to clean, so to test this, I dabbed a brush in a vinegar/water solution and scrubbed the walls with a brush, and fair enough the stains were gone with some elbow grease, but nothing that couldn't have been clean with a little effort. I got rid of the dust bunnies with my Dyson handheld (which I provided to them to use) with basic effort. I spent about 2 hours cleaning the rest of the stuff I thought they were supposed to clean, and pretty much got more done as one person in 2 hours than the 2 people they sent got done in the same amount of time.
I don't know, maybe the company "Maid4Condos" should spend more time and effort vetting their staff than on their flashy website (which if you're lucky, won't crash your browser and melt your laptop).
To put it gently, NOT recommended!