Normally I have a great experience when I go to this Starbucks. What Im complaining about might seem a little petty, but its really just the principle. Starbucks will ask for your name and write it on the cup so they can call your name when its ready. Nice personal touch. Well when I ordered my drink I told her my name. I go by Aaron. Its my middle name. Well she starts to spell it Erin. The female spelling. I quickly saw what she was doing and corrected her. She continues to write the girls name, looks at me and shrugged her shoulders as if she didnt care. Her message of expressions to me were as, im to busy to spell it correctly and you need to deal with it. Well my message to you starbucks is there are plenty of places to spend 20 bucks on coffee and food everymorning. If you're going to try to act personal please teach your employees to at least pretend like they care. Even if they are busy and having a rough morning. I like happy people serving my coffee.