Everyone at Shady's is mean...... and I mean EVERYONE.
They can all suck a fat one though because I'll keep coming back. (as if to rub my sugar and spice in their bitter angry faces)
I did come across one very cool bartender gal (the one with the Bettie bangs)....but fuck it, I'm not there for the company, I brought my own. The drinks are strong and cheap and I will agree with everyone on the music selection being pretty rad. It's pretty close to my place, it has an interesting smell, it has no windows... all good things for getting plowed mid afternoon on a Tuesday. It's just those damn patrons.
The last few times I've been I've had "near altercation" experiences with some ridiculously intoxicated people (boys and girls). I was making fun of how cool they think they are in my head....it was like they could read my mind or something. Creepy....
I have never seen so many people in one building try so hard to be "weird". Stop trying so hard. You are prematurely aging me with your presence.
Blah.... whatever... I'll be back. One HUGE plus.... Stella on tap yo
Okay, I was at Shady's last Sat night and last night.... and I might go back tonight. THAT is how good of a time I had. Granted, I was with one of my fav peeps....
That said, there is no shortage of attention (and pretty young tattooed things) and for this I am thankful.... I WUV you Shady's *blush*
UP-UPDATE: okay... the dood at the door carded my gf and didn't card me...I'm like "WTF??" he said (and I quote) "you're in here all the time" nuff said! oh ya!