How can you not love the Toronto Zoo?!?
The best thing about this place might also be its downfall though: the fact that it hasn't changed in 30 years. I remember going here as a kid and when I went last summer it seemed as though it was the exact same. They even still have old billboards with wildlife facts from like 1974.
But I have so much love for this zoo. I know there's debate as to whether zoos are fair to the animals, but I love the fact I can take the TTC within my own city and hang out with gorillas and polar bears. Last time I went they had the sting ray exhibit and I was able to pet some, which was an awesome experience. Some of the exhibits were closed due to the season, but that can be expected.
A couple of beefs... The gift shop was a little lame because I love the old Toronto Zoo logo and couldn't seem to find much merch with this. They have corny updated t-shirts and I would have loved some simple classic Zoo gear. Maybe I am being a little too nit-picky. Another beef is the lack of food options. I think it's like Burger King or Harveys? Too much fast food and nothing substantial.
Word of advice: get their early and spend the whole day. I have spent several hours at the zoo with friends and we run out of time and miss some of the animals. Especially if you make the hike to the Canadian exhibits which take like 15-20 minutes to walk to. If you like to take your time and see everything then you should get there within the first hour of the park opening.