| - This restaurant has by far some of the cruelest and stuck up reviews I have ever read. So I hope that I can put a bit of perspective and context on this place.
First off, this is a family-run business in the most traditional Korean sense. The food/service will be slow because there really is a small amount of folks doing everything. So be warned that you may have to wait a bit for food. I will agree with other reviewers that side dishes + booze should be served immediately and this establishment fails in that area.
So many complaints about the side dishes. Why? I got all 4. But, like most traditional Korean restaurants, sides will be served based on supply. I'm not surprised that a small establishment like this tends to run out. Or (judging by the photos) change the types of side dishes depending of the time of the year. However, this is something I've run into at multiple Korean establishments in Toronto. As for the sides at this place? The kimchi was very good and the apparent cubed monstrosity that a previous reviewer mentioned (Kkakdugi) was also good. And yes, I did get sprouts.
We ordered makgeolli (homemade and very good!!), ddeokbokgi, one of the cold noodles and bibimbap. We also got 'service' and were given free pajeong with our makgeolli (delish!!). I found all the dishes to be very good, homemade, and authentic. They were delicious and fresh, and any complaints to be had would be mostly based on personal preference (ie. the deokkbokgi is actually deokRAbokkgi which I personally prefer anyways).
In summary, this place is authentic and homemade, so it comes with all the pitfalls of being like that. Don't like bones in your fish? Then you may want to rethink this restaurant and any trip to Korea.