I should be up-front and say I don't like massage. It hurts me. A lot. I do not find it relaxing. For me it's about fixing problems, working out problems. I do massage in conjunction with chiropractic to try to stay pain-free in my daily life.
So we decided to try this place. One nice thing up-front is that they don't do the contract thing. I hate that. I don't want a monthly charge whether I go or not, and having to give notice if I want to stop (and I have to go at least a year before I can stop). Touch of Tranquility does NOT do that. So that's a plus right there.
The massage itself is tricky. First, it likely will depend on whom you get. My massage therapist was fine. She asked several times if I was "OK", because it does hurt. Even though I specified neck and shoulders and back, she did spend time on my legs which I thought was pointless. My problems are always neck, back, and shoulders. Next time I'll be more definitive to ignore everything else. I'll go 4 stars this time, but after another visit or two I may revise. I haven't decided yet if this is my new massage place, but it might be.