| - UPDATE TO A 1-STAR REVIEW (11/24/17): Jerry (the owner) and Burt (the certified arborist) showed me what truly professional customer service can be and reversed my opinion of the company completely.
The day after I had the bad experience with Arbor Care's guy (Jason I think his name was) not showing up and writing me a nasty email in response to my review, I heard from Jerry, the owner of Arbor Care. He was conciliatory, obviously embarrassed at the behavior of his employee, and he let me know that Jason was not with the company any longer. He then went on to emphasize that my experience was not the norm but, rather, an anomaly and he asked to be able to make it right. This morning, Burt showed up at my house about 2 minutes early for my appointment range between 7-9 am (how refreshing!) and won me over in the first 5 minutes. He apologized and explained what had happened but didn't make excuses.
Burt spent about 45 minutes with me and my elderly citrus tree, explaining what needed to be done at some point down the road. I was expecting to be told that it needed this and that and that now and it would cost several hundred dollars. None of that happened. Burt gave me a lot of excellent advice, offered to send a crew over to do minor pruning and fertilizing now (at no charge to make up for their SNAFU), and then return in the Spring to do a more major trimming and pruning for their normal fee. Burt, a Desert Storm vet, was full of excellent information. He's well-spoken and struck me as a genuinely good guy. Even my rescued Sheltie Rose who is always terrified of strangers took to Burt immediately which she never does.
So, from a 1-star to a 5-star -- and it just took Arbor Care's dedication to good customer service to get there. I highly recommend the company and, in particular, Burt.