Is the Squad smart enough to be called "Geeks". Last week I took my laptop into Best Buy to have the hard drive replaced. When I got my computer back I found out that they did not activate windows, load office, or load my printer. I called to see if they could fix it remotely. The person I was talking to stated they could only help me if I could get on the internet, but since I could not, they could not help me. They suggested that I call the manager at Best Buy to see what they could do. I have limited transportation and since this was their company's fault I felt they should do something to retrieve my computer to fix it. The manager stated there was nothing they can do, even though they have Geek Sqaud cars parked at their store. After they hung up, I figured out how to get on the internet on my own. Once I did that, Windows activated itself. I tried to chat with one of the Geek Squad workers and they stated that the person I spoke to could not have done anything, even if I had accessed the internet. They scheduled an appointment for me to take the computer back in. The gentleman that I saw today was able to finish downloading and installing office & my printer info. So I only had to deal with 4 people to get them to fix the problem they created. While I was at the store, I thought the signs onthe restroom doors was interesting/funny, just what are they monitoring?