PRO = This place is nice and polished. Lots of statues and busts (which I like) nicely displayed. Very organized.
CON = Staff is nice enough but nothing that really makes you feel welcome. Prices are retail - and in some cases higher.
MY EXPERIENCE = I identified several pieces I wanted (about $300.00 worth) but was told there were no quantity discounts. Now, they are under no obligation to give me a discount...but with the other competition in town, ON-LINE AVAILIBILITY of items, and Heroes charging retail plus tax, there was NO UPSIDE to me buying I left. While they certainly do not need my business to stay afloat, they did lose a significant sale and future business from me. I ended up with a much better experience at a local competitor where I got a discount and great service...and I'll continue shopping there.
ENDGAME = It's a great place to look around but buy somewhere'll save a lot of money over time. These small shops are facing more and more on-line competition via Amazon, ebay, and other small shops smart enough to offer incentives to buy from them.