Awful business! After a once over of my dog they said she might have parvo. They vet & tech left came back then took my pup out of office to be weighed. If she was a possible parvo she shouldn't have aloud to possibly come in contact with dogs? Then they leave again. Vet tech comes back by herself with $600 bill. $300 was for medications. When I asked what was wrong they said could be this....could be that.... we'll try all theses meds & see if she gets better. They wanted to try 6 drugs to help?? But weren't sure what was wrong. $100 for dog benedryl? Its was so sad they wanted to give her antihistamine, ant acids, anti vomit, anti diarial, & antibiotics, she would have an immune system shut down! They wouldn't talk about natural helpers or never asked what we feed her? It was all push dtugs get $! Very dishonest & greedy. My dogs not an experiment? Don't go here! Research what drugs they want to give you & why before agreeing to pay $75 for tums!