The Good Egg is like a Coldplay record: totally inoffensive, totally safe. The menu is varied enough that you're bound to find something you'll stick in your mouth and forget about later. Also, the service is utterly competent. In the same way you're not motivated to turn the radio either off or up while Chris Martin croons through "Talk," you won't feel a need to savor or spit out your Southwest Scramble. It's just there. Nobody hates Coldplay and nobody hates The Good Egg.
Except I do actually hate Coldplay, mostly for the reasons listed above. I do not, however, hate The Good Egg. Maybe I hold breakfast restaurants to a different standard than rock bands, unfair as it may seem.
I do realize that the comparison I'm drawing is a stretch, but it's 3:20am and breakfast will soon be upon us. If I had to go somewhere, I'd probably go here. It's close enough to my apartment and I know I won't be mad about my meal for the rest of the day.