| - I am remodeling a house and needed to replace a few doors. I saw Lowes charges more than $600 for a door installation and I about fainted, so went to Home Depot, which advertised a door installation at $495, not much better, but a little less. They require you to have a door measure, which costs $30 - which is deductible from the cost of installation. Why can't I measure my own door? The Home Depot door expert ensures me they will give a full measure of the door and I can use it, no matter who installs the door, so I submit to a measure. The fellow measured for a couple minutes and leaves; days later I am called to Home Depot to order my doors. A different Home Depot employee tells me the measure is in and the doorsize is irregular, so they will have to charge me $1200 to install the door. I assure her the door is the common size slider and not irregular and I am not paying $1200 for a door installation. I ask for a copy of my measure and she says I can't have it; the measure they required, at my expense, is somehow the property of - Home Depot.
I got absolutely nothing for my money:
but two wasted trips to Home Depot, disappointment and deep frustration.
This seemed very dishonest and a very poor way to do business.