| - Disclosure: I am having PRK done elsewhere because of my experience with Jason. I am giving Wellish a two, however, because even though a member of their staff might be misogynistic, at least he was prompt. Intrigued?
Jason is one the dudes who does consultations there. I don't know if he is the only guy or one of many. He seemed likable, at first. We chatted a bit and then got down to business with the tests and then afterwards came the sexism.
Jason: "I always ask the women, how scared are you?"
So weird, right? Apparently fear is something only women experience! I never knew! And then...I can't even really describe it really. He was pushy and there was just something slimy and kind of creepy about him. He was really condescending and alternated between treating me like an uninformed child or some kept, trophy wife woman who hasn't a clue how the world works. It was really off-putting.
I left the office and had another consultation and then emailed Jason some follow up questions. It took forever to get a clear response from him and again, the weirdness continued. It felt like he mocked me for being concerned about money (the other place I'm going to is $400 cheaper) and then started talking about how I can't see LASEK the same way I would a "mommy makeover" or "breast augmentation." What those have in common with eye surgery, I do not know, and the fact that those were the examples he gave just solidified my thought that this guy is a creep. It's too bad, too, because I was really considering the Wellish Institute based off their reviews, but I didn't want to deal with Mr. Creepy Jason.