| - I successfully made my objectives: quick service, full gas tank and a clean, shiny exterior.
Wednesday afternoon at 4:15 PM, and this is a busy station. The lines of cars along Lake Mead and Rampart are multiplying. Yet, I was able to pull to a gas pump without waiting for one to be available. The car wash was a swift experience too! It's my lucky day. After 9 car washes, the 10th is free!
Word to the wise, since this is a fast pace site, watch out for two incidences that may reoccur. First, the gas pump receipt tape was empty. This irks me as it is very inconvenient to unbuckle small children and carefully maneuver across a hustling passage way for moving cars. Isn't there a notification that rings with a message, "Insert receipt tape at pump 3"? Also, beware of unobservant drivers. Drivers eager to enter and exit the facility, or so deep into their cell conversations or viewing text messages, that pedestrians have 0 rights! A sedan almost wiped us three out and the driver was completely oblivious.