I wanted to find a dog park that was:
1) Close to home
2) large so Mack had space to run around and feel free
3) Safe for not only me, but my fur baby
Thankfully, this dog park checks out on all the requirements. The park itself is not that big; I would say the dog park is about 50% of the actual park. When we arrived, there was mini league soccer practice going in on the lawn area next to the playground. When driving up to the park for the first time, the dog park is all the way at the end- near all the power lines. There are 3 dog parks compiled in one area: one entry gate for small dogs, one entry gate for large dogs and one entry gate for "all dogs." The small and all dogs area are roughly about the same size and the large dogs area is much bigger than the two. I would say this park is pretty decent but they didn't have a lot of climbing things for the dogs. It's basically grass, dirt and a few large rocks.
When we arrived around 8p, there were a few other people but then it got dark pretty quick. The lighting after sunset isn't all that great so best to come in the mid afternoon/early evening.
Parking is along the street unless you park in the parking lot on the complete other side and walk over. Overall, nice dog park near a few super huge houses.