I've shopped at Signatures a couple of times in the past. I've decided that the experience is only 5 star worthy if the owner, Wendy is present.
I shopped on Friday afternoon with a friend (we were also the only customers in the shop). We were not warmly welcomed. One employee sat behind the cash register while another employee was rearranging a display. My experience was pretty much poor and as on point as the other reviewers here on Yelp.
I inquired about the cactus Sugarfina candies I had seen previously. The young girl behind the cash register never came from behind to help me look nor was she able to tell me if they would be brought back in.
I'm not sure why the owner is paying two employees as the one was just sitting behind the register the entire time (not to mention offering poor customer service).
I decided to call prior to posting a review to speak with the owner. I was told today that "it would be a long time before the owner is back in". I hope this tidbit isn't true as there needs to be an in service on proper customer service (again-per other Yelp replies from the owner she has provided re-education to her employees).
*My only positive experience was when the owner was present and I purchased a number of items.