| - I want to start off by saying I enjoyed working with Bill on the day of the wedding and really liked a number of pictures he gave us. His prices are quite reasonable for the area ($1500 fee, all day photographer, DVDs of all pictures). He was very friendly and was patient with all of the antics of the wedding party. The poses he took are very nice and standard; nothing too fancy or unconventional. I wish that there had been a bit more originality in the pictures, but I am satisfied overall.
The reason he only gets an ok review is that he is very hard to get hold of before and after the wedding. It took him almost 3 months to get us the photos and I started calling him after 2 months. There was always some excuse - I don't remember to respond to emails, my web server is malfunctioning, my DVD burner is down. Once the photos came up on the website, the website proved to be difficult to navigate and very slow to use to scan the pictures. In the end, we got 7 DVDs with almost 4,200 photos of the day. I was a little miffed that my husband and I had to spend about 8 hours going through the photos and trimming it down to a manageable 400-500 images. The images also don't look like Bill did much editing or cleaning up, so I can't understand why it took so long to get them. It seems to me to be just a giant photodump from the day.
In the end, you get what you pay for. We finally got our nice wedding pictures, but had to work to find them in the massive overload of images and after much nagging.