We were referred to circle medical in early September 2015 by our public health Nurse. My son had a posterior tongue tie that was missed in hospital. We saw Dr. Anderson and she was very nice and compassionate and explained the situation and all the options. We felt the best solution was to snip the tongue tie and do exercises afterwards to keep it from coming back. She did a great job and we haven't had a problem with his latch since. I would say 5 stars for that situation.
What followed afterwards was quite stressful for myself and my husband being first time parents. Each time we were there our son was always weighed at follow up visits. And she became concerned that he wasn't gaining weight fast enough. They like the birth weight gain to happen in the first 2 weeks. He was a c section baby and so after doing some reading with me being on an iv for a long period beforehand he was full of fluid. So they say that the actual weight after birth is not a true weight as a lot of it is water weight. So they will most likely drop more in weight. Dr. Anderson started questioning my production but with no real evidence my production was the issue put me on fenugreek which is supposed to increase your production by 900%!!! And boy did it ever. I was uncomfortable, hot, in pain and ended up with a fever. I immediately went off it and everything got better. We went back and explained what had happened. And so she said okay the only way to find out is to weigh him in a dry diaper, feed him and then we'll weigh him again after. She was expecting 35-40 gram increase and when she weighed him she was surprised that it was 88 grams! So my production was not the issue. Before that she had used terms like your baby could just be "failure to thrive" my husband and I couldn't believe it. At first we felt like failures I was eating all kinds of food to increase my production and stressed about it. All for no reason! It was a rough 3 weeks until finally we realized this is ridiculous. Our son was happy, content, pooping, peeing, sleeping 4-5 hours at night, and making small weight gains. At 3 weeks he was back up to his birth weight of 9 pounds. And pretty soon after that he just kept going up. At 12 weeks he was 16 pounds 5 oz! He's good! Their scales have also been known to be off which was always a concern of mine. I never trusted them. I was just disappointed with how this all happened. So much focus on percentiles, averages, etc. and unneeded stress occurred during a very emotional and vulnerable time for new parents figuring everything out.