I'm not a member of a gym but I wanted to take a look around and see what this one had to offer. When I asked the girl behind the counter if I could look at what they have she would not let me go in without filling out a bunch of BS paperwork. I'm sure it was so that some guy could walk me around, waste my very precious time talking about things I already know, and try to persuade me to join their gym. That's not what I wanted. I already had my decision made that if I saw the equipment I wanted to use that I would go ahead & join. I just wanted to run in & out quickly while I had a free minute to do so and check it out. Oh well, I figure I just saved myself some time and money with this place. I used to be with LA Fitness. They are wonderful! I think I may check out the Gilbert Rec Center & see what they have. I'm sure they won't mind me taking a look. If not, I'll head back to LA which I highly recommend.