The comparison between this Sprouts and the one on Tatum Blvd. is like night and day. Most of the produce at the one on Indian School isn't fit to sell at the dollar store. It's bruised, beat up, damaged, not fresh, wilted, wrinkly and often surrounded by little tiny gnats feasting on the rotten items which do not get removed as quickly as they should be.
The produce displays are also sloppy mainly because the quality is so poor, which causes people to rummage through everything leaving a bigger mess. Items like grapes are so hit or miss, you can't find an unopened bag because people open all the bags and mix and match just make a full bag of non-rotten grapes.
I have a feeling because this location is not in the best neighborhood, it gets neglected and receives the B or C quality produce. This is only my theory and I have no evidence to support this claim, but it's hard not to believe it to be true. This is especially the case for sale items; making the sale prices virtually worthless.
I invite you to compare the Tatum store to the Indian School location. The difference is so blatant, it's almost comical.