I really love my husband as he does try to please me often. Sometimes he just doesn't really "get it" I am a huge fan of authentic honky tonks and rowdy country bars REAL country bars out in the boonies....This place is of course a pseudo wanna be new fad country bar cashing in on the fame and name of Toby Keith. I do like Toby Keith just fine but people he isn't bar-tending here....so when he announced he was taking me here I had to grin and bear it obviously so as not to hurt his feelings-- but i could have told you it was going to be overpriced and touristy and full of assholes that want to be weekend cowboys and cowgirls...with big titted waitresses in booty shorts taking our order....Yes there is some line dancing or swing dancing going on but unless you are really good you don't want to go out there and strut yourself because the people on the floor obviously do this on a weekly basis and are very good....so stay out of their way...
Not my thing but then again I knew it wouldn't be ---