Since the first time I hiked this trail in 2006, I have always enjoyed hiking in First Creek whether it's just a short trip to the waterfall and back or a more serious exploration going farther back into the canyon.
There's something for everyone here. It's a fairly level hike for a good part of the way so it's fine for dogs and kids. After crossing the wash from the parking lot, simply follow the trail as it meanders toward the canyon. After the waterfall, there are several routes you can take. You can stay in the wash when it's dry and do some rock scrambling and boulder hopping. This is a slower way but it's a lot more challenging.
If you want to go a little easier on yourself, follow one of the trails out of the wash on the south side of the canyon and hike the use trail until you a forced back into the wash. If you want, you can keep going and end up in Pahrump if you really want to.
The rock scrambling and boulder hopping are good fun but you should only do this if you're wearing hiking boots so you have the proper traction on what can be slick rocks. Sneakers just don't do it sometimes.
Give First creek a try. I think you'll like it, too.