| - I got really lucky on Friday night. I was with 2 male friends, and they had asked if we could go to a club. I told them most places would charge us a hefty cover, and we'd have to wait in a big line. Walking into the Mandalay Bay, we were headed for a bar and got intercepted by a host. He offered us some 2-for-1 drink passes at Foundation Room. When I inquired about cover, he hemmed and hawed and eventually said he could walk us in. It was a few moments of confusion at the door, as I don't think he was supposed to walk in 3 guys, but it worked!
We made it up to the bar with minutes before 10pm, when the 2-for-1's stopped working, and we got a round of drinks. $18 for 2 rum & cokes and 2 beers. OK prices, but we wouldn't be sticking around for a full priced round.
I've been there before but they hadn't . Obviously the view is amazing, though I prefer the view from Moon at the Palms better as you get to see the whole strip. Clientele was mostly older guys and their girlfriends/wives, but there were a few single people there as well. Great vibe in the place. Wish we would have gone back later in the night since had our hands stamped.