| - On Friday, October 30, 2015, I contacted COX Customer Service via telephone. I called to inquire about a couple of charges/discrepancies on my bill. The discrepancies were:
1) I was assessed a $60 charge for a "Service Appointment" on September 26, 2015. The person helping me could not see any reason why I was charged for that appointment, and immediately credited my account the $60 - that's the good, I guess.
2) I inquired as to why my bill had gone up approximately $27 per month over my previous 12 months bills (I had been paying approximately $208 per month and now was being billed approximately $235 per month). I was told that one reason was that I had ordered their SportsPac 2 offering at a cost of $1.99 per month, which I had in fact ordered. I was told that the other approximately $25 per month was a "step up" charge that occurs after the first 12 months of my service. I explained to both a Customer Service agent (Angel) and his supervisor (Sal or Hal) that the sales person at their retail store in Mesa Arizona had told me that the price for the package I wanted and ordered at that store, would be approximately $208 per month and would be LOCKED for 24 months. When I asked why there was an increase over what I was quoted, I was told that the salesperson apparently gave me inaccurate information. Sal/Hal and/or Angel went on to say that there is a "step up" charge that kicks in after the first 12 months and that I should have been told that. Angel also stated that their people need to do a better job of explaining that.
I continued discussions with both Angel and Sal/Hal for a period of time stating that I was given the "locked" pricing by their sales person and that they should honor that pricing. I stated that when I am told that a price is "locked", I expect that is what I will get - a constant price for the duration of the agreement unless I make changes to my television/internet/telephone package by adding features. I was told flatly that they would not honor the pricing I was promised and that there was nothing that they nor anyone else could do to honor that price committed to by their sales person.
Great service COX! When I said that apparently the sales person at their store had lied to me, they hemmed and hawed.....and finally said I must have "been given inaccurate information".
It's called "bait and switch", there's nothing inaccurate about that.
I don't believe that I have ever tried to work with such a condescending, uncaring company in my life. They insist that I have to pay the additional money and there is nothing I can do about it. Great Customer Service - NOT!
I'm pursuing other avenues of either getting them to honor the price I was given or canceling my service with them.