| - I came the first time for a root touch up, despite my repeated request of a root touch up, was given a full dye (by Joanne, the owner) which damaged my sensitive hair (hence only wanting a touch up). She disappeared in the back for well over the "30 min" she said it would be. I saw and heard her on the phone the whole time in her native language. Whatever, figured I would give them a second chance...
The second time, got a root touch up (by Joanne again), was told last time it was $45, I paid more that time because I got a full dye I didn't want, this time I was told that "anything with color was $60", uhmm okay. Also, Joanne was AGAIN in the back on the phone 45 min with the bank while I waited. I finally said something to another stylist and she went and told Joanne I needed my hair rinsed. Joanne handed her the phone on speaker and told her to tell her when she is off hold with the bank. A minute later she was off hold and the other stylist told her, she took the phone and disappeared to the back. The other stylist asked is she would like her to finish my hair, which she did, and she was very polite and seemed apologetic, I was grateful for her.
So yeah, knock yourself out with this local "Gem".