Been a long time customer of this quintessential South Indian fixture in GTA. However, off late it would appear the original owners have taken a back seat. Gradual decline in taste and quality cannot go unnoticed for those who have savoured GL's dosas and sambhars over last decade. Service was never GLs priority, but even that's been beaten.
After having made reservation, we show up 5 mins before time to be tersely told off by the greeter, holding iPad but dressed in loose cheap t-shirt. He certainly lacked politeness and finesse expected from host/hostess. He lacked all of it and backed it up with a terse "one person wait in waiting area and rest of you can wait in the car" Excuse me? His partner in crime was equally (over) excited shunting patrons inside door, them showing them their table from distance "go sit there, near the wall"
Order takers take order and never show up to second check ask if we got what we ordered. Do we need anything else. No one showed up for more orders? We asked at least 3 times to have our server sent to the table so we can order more.
Food taste is subjective hence I don't want to comment. However, let's just say it's not the same as it used to be. Most hilarious part was the dessert "frozen" yogurt's serving size. Even the 3 year old at our table looked like "what is this". Smaller portion than sample size.
All in all, GL better pick up the loose ends. They don't want to just thrive in the market due to lack of other choices. Cuz All it takes is someone who makes decent Dosa and backs it up with service. Wish them best.