Dr. Primack is absolutely the worst doctor I've encountered in my 57 years. I had just started the program when his office double billed me. When I called the office about it, they were rude, but we finally settled the issue, or so I thought, and I was given a refund. The nest day I went in to see Dr. Primack. I wasn't going to bring up the payment as I considered it taken care of. The first thing Primack brought up, however, was the payment. He could not conceive of his office making a mistake and continued to harangue me about it for the next ten minutes. He then stated that he no longer wished to see me as a patient and that I should consult the yellow pages if I desired to see a weight loss doctor. My advice is to stay away from this jerk. There are other weight loss programs that are just as effective and that are far less costly. Primack may have been on Dr. Oz, but as a person he leaves much to be desired.