The Curatorial design of this museum is pure genius. The guides begin suggest you begin on the 3rd floor. Don't be an outlaw, follow their suggestion. The experience is designed to put you in the shoes of a wise guy who's entering Central Booking. You go into a dimly lit holding cell where you learn about the history of the genesis of the mob in New York City.
I'm not going to spoil the experience for you by telling you too
much, but this museum was on the same level of excellence as the Alexander McQueen Exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum in New York.
Do yourself a favor. Don't miss this experience. Leave your kids at home because ... really? It's the Mob Museum . . . of course their are bloody crime scene photos. Make sure you come at Happy Hour too, because like most other places in Las Vegas, there's a bar and special happy hour admission prices. This was fantastic.