Believe it or not, I went on a first date here, and I had a pretty good time! The experience of roaming through this place was interesting. On the first floor, there are relics containing different phallic and fertility statues. The second floor has media rooms showing film snippets and pictures of a very graphic content. It is a museum on sexuality, and It's not for the faint of heart; If you're queasy or have a prudish contempt for pornography and naked images, then this is not a good venue as they have tons of sexually graphic media upstairs.
I personally thought that they did a decent job of staying close to the museum aspect of it. I certainly didn't feel filthy after seeing those images, but they did pique at my curiosity - which is what museums are supposed to do (among other things). It was also fun looking through the museum shop - I learned from my date what a "fluffer" means; it was inscribed on one of the T-shirts that they were selling :)