Recently went here to sell some items that no longer fit. I was greeted promptly upon entering the store and spoke with the sales girl regarding the sale of my items. She explained the process and gave me an approximate time frame to review the bags of clothes I bought in.
While waiting I was able to browse the store and tried on a few things but nothing really worked out for me. Pricing on the items I looked at were ok but I feel like some of the items could have been found new at the same price during a really good sale. The clothes in the store were trendy and cute however the handbag selection was lack luster at best.
Upon check out I received an okay sum for the items purchased by the retailer. I feel that this particular buyer tends to lowball on some of the items and they charge you sales tax on the items you sell. Over all my experience was okay. If needed I would probably come back, but I think Buffalo Exchange will still be my first choice when I need to sell.