In desperate need of chicken noodle soup for the hangover nursing we finally found it here. Cream or tomato based soups were not going to settle my temperamental tummy. My body screamed for chicken noodle soup and nothing else would do. We wandered the strip going up to numerous restaurants asking what their soup of the day was. Whhhhy was nobody's soup of the day chicken noodle soup when I desperately needed it to be so. I think a can of Campbell's chicken noodle soup should be an essential part of my Vegas luggage.
I forgot how to control myself and couldn't say no to free drinks from cute n not so cute guys. Washington Apples and Patron Shots sure. How many rounds was that? That's what happens on your first night in Vegas u make a noob move and go all out on night one. On day two u are a burden to your friends as they are trying to help u recover from the previous nights antics.
My savior!!! Earl of Sandwich. I know you're yelpfamous(yea I just made that up) for your sandwiches but I am ohhh so grateful for your chicken noodle soup. It was exactly what I needed and was the cure to what ailed me.