The glib review: You wanted an Innovative asian Jose Andre meal? I think you're looking for Yusho, it is not Jose, but it what you're looking for and it's over at the Monte Carlo.
Everything here is well made, but it is hard to think of the food and not compare it to other similar possibilities available in our city at a cheaper price. The Jose Andres brand makes me think of innovation that appeals to the mass market and a bit of showmanship along with quality food. Here, the food is quality, but my expectations - especially at this price point - includes new ideas in food that I haven't thought of before. Writing that out, it seems a bit demanding, but that is what I expect from the Jose brand.
I had dumplings, dan dan noodles, and shaved ice. They were great. It was my first time trying the caramelized rice topping they put on the shaved ice, and the sole unique part of this meal. All great food. The meal reminded me of similar meals at other places in town but with a strip markup.