| - Easily the best comic book store in Phoenix. No gaming crowd hanging around, the staff is always amicable and helpful, I can always expect to be greeted at the door with a friendly smile and welcoming attitude. The store is clean, well lit and easy to navigate. New releases are in alphabetical order and have the last few months issues nearby in case you missed something. One of the best features of this establishment is the collection of consignment books, packaged together as runs at VERY reasonable prices. If you are looking for a specific story line, or filling in gaps in your collection, check this section out as they always have a great selection. The interior displays are always changing, with over stock deals, grab bags and more packaged runs rotating in on a regular basis. Their trade collection is second to none. They have a great back issue selection on the floor, and if its not in the bins, they probably have it out back. Their claim of "over 1 million comics in stock" is easy to believe.
Some other reviewers have complained that the store doesn't have couches and chairs, but that is fine with me. I tend to avoid the stores with lots of people hanging around for two reasons: 1) the books are probably all messed up and read, and 2) those stores tend to have the cliché clubhouse/comic book fanboy feel; if you aren't part of the club, you aren't welcome. NEVER had that vibe here.
I've also seen complaints that the prices for some items are high, based on other stores in the valley. I've never felt that here either. The prices are very competitive and again, the multi issue packs are always a FANTASTIC value. I've bought tons of stuff here, and never felt ripped off. In fact, I've picked up runs that i would probably never have looked at before, simply because they are packaged together already, so I don't have to dig through the bins, and they are being offered at a very reasonable price.
I've probably tried all the shops in the valley, and this is the one to beat. If you are looking for a comic book store, not a gaming store that just happens to sell comics, this is it.