Dick's/Richardson's is probably my favorite restaurant in the valley. The interior is small, dark and with a modern Santa Fe style. Because of the wait i usually end up at Dick's just around the corner, which is really just an extension of Richardson's. Dick's consists of a bar with a handful of tables it also has a room connected for private parties which they occasionally open so remember to ask if they have tables available at Dick's if Richardson's is packed.
I plan on going there many more times to try as many things as possible because frankly it all sounds good and I have never been disappointed with anything I have ordered. The services matches the quality of the food as well.
Living close to Richardson's/Dick's makes trying new places difficult knowing that I could have easily gone to Richardson's instead.
They also have Dos Equis amber on tap (as well as lager) which should be as mandatory for a Mexican cuisine restaurant as a bathroom.