I wish to share my very good experience with Pisa Pizza. The dough is crispy and fresh, the pizza very flavorful, and the order prepared quickly by a friendly staff. Overall a very good value. I'll be back.
I wanted to address a prior review. C N gave this place three stars. Let me tell you, from him, THAT'S AMAZING! Read his prior reviews. THIS GUY IS A TOTAL BUTCHER. All he does is complain about peripheral things at every place he goes, (weak wifi on the patio?!?!? WAAAAAHHHH!!!!) and then makes himself feel better by using words like "shame" and "avoid." Are the wings at Pisa Pizza perfect? NO! It's a pizza place. Get a life.
If you pay any attention to his reviews, SHAME on you. AVOID listening to C N. and give Pisa Pizza a try.