| - I won't go into detail because I can't say anything that others haven't already said about this group of thieves and liars. They showed up more than an hour late, they brought three men instead of two (which of course cost more money), and one of the movers was on his cellphone text messaging the entire time. Then to put the icing on this already very unpleasant cake, they charged me $500 more than the price they quoted before they loaded my things. So pretty much they will quote you a low rate, then hold your things hostage until you pay them a much (stupidly) higher price. When I spoke to the manager, Lisa, about this, she snidely asked, "If they were late and showed up with more people than you asked for, why did you still use our services?" Hmm, I don't know Lisa, probably because I'm an honest person who still believes that most human beings aren't bottom-feeding, lying, thieving scumballs that make a dishonest living coercing people out of their hard earned money. I still believe that, your company just happens to be an exception.
Oh yeah, and they damaged the chaise portion of my two month old sectional. Seriously, don't EVER use Desert Eagle Moving unless you like giving your money to horrible people.