Looked into refinancing my mortgage and was put in touch with Darren Storey. I was upfront and told him I was comparative shopping with my current lender. I even provided him with my lender's written quote before he made his offer. He assured me Chase would match that offer. After he reviewed the documents, he came back with an offer slightly above my lender's quote in total refi amount and monthly payments (EVEN WHEN you factor in his verbal assurance he would not charge the loan discount points he offered to get the quote close, which become significant over the life of the mortgage). After I told Mr. Storey I was not going with his higher offer, he THEN came back with a better offer...only a day late and a dollar short! After I pointed out this new offer should've been provided first, especially since he had the competitor's quote before generating his, he advised he has 21 years of experience and pays great attention to detail. Apparently ensuring you quote matches a competitor's just isn't the detail he pays attention to.