I made reservations and left copious borderline O.C.D. instructions for my parent's 50th Anniversary at Ko'sin all remotely via the phone and internet sight unseen utilizing all our wonderful modern technology and despite all this, the ladies and gents all along the long chain of communication at Wild Horse Pass still managed to nail every detail. The only error was a slight gift card delay glitch (mechanical of course - damn computers!). The professionals at this restaurant once again illustrate clearly that the human touch is what rules and that The Terminators must only be utilized for our benevolent pursuits...of course.
Huge kudos to server Mark for impeccable service, manager Jason for creating such a beautiful environment for my parents to enjoy and the pastry department for the gratis anniversary dessert and thoughtful decoration. Oh, the hostess who helped me out earlier in the day was a sweetheart too and everyone in the restaurant deserves a huge sloppy kiss on the cheek from me (but I'll spare you the agonizing bliss of that experience and just let you imagine it).
BTW, I believe the word Ko'sin is also Pima for Classiest restaurant in the West.
Thank you sincerely.