don't purchase anything from here. you have been warned. my wife and i purchased most of our furniture there. after the delivery of our stuff, we noticed the wood from our dinning room chairs were splitting. we paid $300 extra for insurance. after noticing the defect, i called customer service. the tech shows up and says the pieces are truly messed up and we will get only the part that is defective in 10 weeks. 10 weeks everyone. also when we get the parts, i will have to replace it myself. this isn't the worst thing i'm sure. but when we bought these items and paid for the product. we expect the items to be in good condition. and also when we pay for insurance, we do expect the parts to be installed by them. this isn't what they will do.
when ashley delivers the new portion, you all are responsible to take the bad pieces off and replace it with the ned parts. experienced or not, you are on your own. zero service. oh, i forgot to mention it took 10 weeks for the parts to be delivered. so here are the facts...
1. my wife and i paid over $6,000 for furniture.
2. we paid the extra for the insurance.
3. takes 10 weeks for the new product to be delivered.
4. instead of getting new chairs, we are only getting the parts which is damaged.
5. once we receive the parts , we are responsible to replace the parts.
6. all of this does not include the tech that should be there to install the product.
7. zero service for $6k.
all in all heed the warning. it is our job to make sure others don't go through the same issues. please listen and save yourself from the hassle. do not turn a blind eye to this warning. thank you.