Dr John Couvaras is a brilliant and compassionate physician who has devoted his career to helping women achieve successful pregnancies. Deserving of the utmost respect in his field, and particularly by patients. This is a physician who is helping those of us in desperate infertility situations. If you are, as I have been, an infertility patient, remember to be kind and respectful to Dr Couvaras. He spent many sleepless nights and made a huge financial investment in his education and extra training to becoming an Infertility Expert. I believe in Karma. Treat those who are helping you with appreciation and respect and you might find that things tend to fall into place. Be blessable. Attitude and appreciation go a long way towards success in any endeavor. Thank you Dr Couvaras for putting up with us when we are not who we should be. You deserve our grateful respect, and I am sorry if you do not always receive it.