I believe Gabriel Jewelers has at least two locations.
The Serene location is the one I have personal experience with. The other may be on Pecos...
Serene shop is small but plenty of jewelry to see.
I focused on a small collection of bridal sets. Very nice stones. Some are large enough to demand steep prices. Several rings with stones close to one carat are a bit high in price for the average consumer.
Gabriel does the typical price it high and give a 50% discount instead of pricing fair to begin with.
This is Veeeerrryyy common throughout Vegas as I've come to find out.
Keep in mind that you are the boss and have to know what you are looking for and market prices to back up any offer below asking price.
I declined to inquire further about price since the saleswoman seem to be in a rush with many customers in the store. The attitude seemed to be "here is the price, take it or leave it."
I left it.
Again, the rings were of good quality...no complaints there. Service was prompt and good natured.
I hear Gabriel's has a decent reputation and so chooses to build that into the price.
I'd rather put up with a lesser known name with a written guarantee AND a fair market value price than pay for just a name. For Pete's sake, people are looking to save money these days, not drop a fortune on a bridal set!
However, I do recommend you check out Gabriel's just to get a feel for what is out there.