I'm so glad Auto Zone is here on this corner. As we know the Las Vegas heat can really wreak havoc on our skin, and even worse our cars/trucks. I have been here about 3 times (but I don't see my check ins). I've had my battery tested, which is so appreciated Auto Zone offers this. The last time I came in I needed the battery replaced. Before I came in I called to see if they had an affordable battery for 2015 Hyundai Accent, Mary answered the phone and was very professional and knowledgeable. Before that I had called Midas where I had taken my car for oil change, tire rotation & new air filters. So I called Midas first Jay the manager took my call and remembered me and that's why I felt comfortable with a quote from him......Wrong!!!! Didn't your mama tell you "Trust No One" hell thats even my motto. Well Jay quoted me battery & install $267.00 my dumb ass says okk I'll be right there!!! I know some of you are cringing. About that time I'm talking to a friend about it "She says" wth kind of battery is it? Gold? So needless to say at that moment I realized I was a sucka!!!! Oh lord not meeee I would never!!! Soooo that's what prompted the call to Auto Zone and yll I can't tell you how much they saved me. I got a new Duralast Battery 2 year warranty tax and installed $142.33 out effing door yll I am a single female who tried to learn from her older brothers about cars, so how thankful am I to this business.
FYI I tried tipping Mary for having to come out of the store in 105 degree weather and install my battery. She was so awesome. Shame on Auto Zone for not allowing tips to these hard workers in a "tip state" (she said tip)!!!" If they do get tipped they have to put it in the till.
Shout out to the man you see pictures here with Mary. He felt the need to help out, even thought Mary didn't need it. My heart grew big. After he was done I hugged him told him thank you & Vegas Strong