| - This is a charming little place to sit down relax and have beer. The atmosphere is super chill here. When I am near downtown Henderson I try to stop by here. Being a sour man, I usually try whichever limited sour they have on tap. The Pina Colada sour that they made recently was absolutely awesome. The owner said it was the first of their cocktail series. He said a blue curacao and mai tai flavors will be coming out later this year.
If friends come into town I get a flight. That way everybody gets to sample what they like before choosing a full glass. No mistakes here. There are plenty of fun games to play, but I usually like to conversate and eat over a beer. Oh, did I forget to mention the food. On the weekends a food truck called Meats Gone Wild serves exotic meats. Menu is not set, so you will need to ask them what meats they are serving that evening. So far, we have tried boar bratwurst, bison steak, python bratwurst, camel hump burger, elk steak, kangaroo steak, and probably more that I cannot remember off the top of my head. If they have it, the blueberry merlot boar bratwurst is a must.
This place never feels frantic like most bars. I always feel like it is my moment of zen when I am there. There is plenty of parking right behind the building. If you are looking to chillax with a good beer and maybe some food, you will be very hoppy you stopped by this place. I mean happy.