This is a nice hotel - though at the time of this review - they were going through some renovations (at least on the exterior). Hotel is in the flight path of Sky Harbor, though I didn't notice any major noise issues inside the hotel. Overall hotel was pretty average for the Marriott chains - nothing to rave about, though location is good to the airport/ASU etc. Breakfast is so-so - coffee was so-so, but gets the job done if you need something in a pitch.
My biggest 'issue' would be against the WiFi internet speeds. From regular travel, I've become accustomed to reasonable internet speeds to get work done on my laptop while on the road. This place had quite possibly the slowest internet I've experienced in any hotel in the past couple years. It took minutes to download simple files and presentations from my work email -- pretty sub-par if you trying to get work done while on travel. I ended up using my smartphone over my laptop because the LTE service seemed 10x faster than their internet service.