The juices are great, hardware is fair prices but my biggest complaint is the customer service. They are extremely helpful and nice when you are buying something new. However if you have an issue with any hardware you purchased they are not helpful at all. They will tell you you need to buy a completely new setup. They don't even pretend to try to help you. I understand they are a small business but they could do much better if they gave good customer service. The owner literally told me she would not help me with a problem because it was not worth her time and would not make her any money. Terrible customer service, this place is down the street from me and I drive 10 minutes to a different ship just because that ship gives good customer service. Please learn how to do good business and I will come back.
Kim, to respond to your response I would like to make it clear that my complaint is your customer service. It is not your responsibility since I dropped it, however like you said I have been going there for two years and if you were smart you would help out your loyal customers even if it won't make you any money. It's called CUSTOMER SERVICE. The small inconvenience to you would translate into future dollars. I was just giving you some business advice. I also don't appreciate that you marked my complaint as funny... Shows how serious you take this. Also you have never fixed a single mod for me, that would be a lie. The only thing you ever did was tell me I needed a new one or that you could not help me.
Oh Kym, now you just make yourself look worse and worse, people will see just from this post that you obviously don't know how to treat customers. Also, there is someone else who posted that had the same issue so it's not so crazy. Oh and I never asked for anything for free... I told you I would buy it. Anyways, it doesn't matter, you are getting angry it seems while I am just trying to give you some friendly advice. Hope you treat future customers better so that you can stay in business... Good luck :)