disclaimer to start: I have been to quite a few raw/live restaurants. (wooohoo!) And DEF a ton of vegan ones. As that is my lifestyle. Not to mention the fact that as a part of my business, people pay me to create healthy recipes. Not only for people personally, but cookbooks, blogs, etc...including raw. I have even taught people how they can prepare delicious raw & vegan food at home in a class format.
On that note:
We were excited to check this place out and taste another fun take on raw amazingness. And sadly, from the moment the cashier opened her mouth the tone was set, it seemed. She was flippant & rude... especially when we asked to get almond "cheese" on 1 side of the "pizza". The man and I both wanted to try and I am not a fan of nut cheeses. (or fake cheeses in general... or fake meat. For me... it freaks me out that something is not being what it truly is. I could prob say that's how I feel about fake people too! haha!) That brings me perfectly into my biggest point...
Technically "raw" is anything under 119 degrees... SO, you could potentially have warmed items that still maintain the delicious nutrients that all raw food offers. AND--- our fav places in LA do this. For example... the biscuits and gravy do not come out ice cold. Same as their pizza.
The pizza was ice cold. And apparently every thing they serve is that temp. Or room temp. That really turned me off. I really don't know any time I would say... ohhh, I am totally craving a cold enchilada. I spoke with what seemed to be the owner to ask a few questions and of course... he was offended and will prob reply to this post. But alas... I am hoping it causes him to re-evaluate the temp? the service? As I know it is probably super easy to not have any worry regarding temperature. The Buckwheat bread it came on was great! BUT--- we could've driven to whole foods and bought the same bread ourselves and assembled our cold dish at home. (especially with the price point so high)
The menu also said it came with "walnut sausage". Throwing small pieces of walnut on a cold piece of bread does not a sausage make. Another one of our fav places at home has an incredible walnut sausage... that is a delectable mix and packed with flavor... not just the walnut.
Which brings me to ANOTHER item on the menu they call "fries".... we were like... cool! Let's see the fun spin on "fries" done raw. Come to find out these are merely avocado slices. Just. Avocado. I LOVE avocado. If you say it's avocado. But don't tell me it's fries.
SO--- in a nutshell---
the flavors were actually quite good.
BUT--- I could buy at the store and assemble at home. (was hoping they built more ingredients in house, especially with the price)
Don't tell me things are NOT what they actually are. "walnut sausage pizza" is not cold store-bought bread with nuts on top. Fries are NOT avocado. And please make a disclaimer somewhere.... ANY where on the menu that says all of our food is served cold or at room temperature. (I know its a RAW place... but I know RAW... and it doesn't have to always be cold or room temp.) then, we would know what to expect and probably really truly enjoy our experience.
Also--- a little kindness and maybe a crack of a smile goes a real long way.