It helps that this is the only Starbucks in the Northlake Mall. Yes, this starbucks can be found inside the Northlake Mall (sadly not outside, so you'll have to walk the 15 feet it takes to get into the mall from your car) but thankfully, it's there! Easiest way to access this Starbucks (a.k.a the way I do it, so the right way) is to enter through the exit beside the AMC and go down the escalator to the left, then proceed to walk behind said escalators and voila! COFFEE!
They open slightly earlier than the other stores in the mall (I work at Victoria's Secret upstairs and to the right of AMC exit) so the workers definitely appreciate that!
They carry most (probably all) of what most Starbucks carry and the workers are, from what I can tell, really friendly. I often visit this Starbucks, and hope to become the MAYOR on FourSquare.