Unfortunately, I only got to check out a portion of the Mob Experience as the interactive portion was closed for renovation BUT I was impressed with what I experienced. They have a lot of detailed and unique information about the different mobsters which was very engaging. I also really enjoyed the film about The Godfather movies, as I'm a huge fan and hadn't heard about the controversy.
The downside was the interactive machines in this part of the exhibit didn't work very well either. They had a few touch screens to read information and they kept freezing on us or you had to touch it just right to get it to move forward. It was more than a little annoying. Also, a few of the items (like the car in the Giancanna area) didn't tell you if it was his car or a re-creation, etc. I'd like a little more detail on that part.
I am looking forward to going back someday to see the full exhibit.
PS I also liked the silly pictures w/the guns and hats they take of you when you enter.. I know not everyone is into those but it would make for a cute souvenir.