You know this is a great place when everybody that has reviewed the joint look familiar.
I consider this place my second home. I know everyone who works there on a personal level. It's the same people for many many years. What other place do you know that would close down, reopen years later and have the same staff working?
It doesn't matter what night you go, you are going to get ALOT of good music. LOTS. Since they've re-open, the sound system is stellar. Sound man Ken (who in my opinion is one of the main reasons to go) Ken really puts his heart and soul into sound. He get's it perfect.
They have a inside and outside stage. The outside stage has misters which is key in the August nights. The drinks are as cheap as you are going to get. The cover to get in depends on the bands. But I do feel if they are charging $10, you are going to get your money's worth. Even when it's $5, you are getting your money's worth.
Overall, this is my favorite place in Arizona. If you love music and good vibes, this is where people go. In the 9 years I've been coming here, I've never seen a fight break out. I've never seen someone screw up my drink and I've never met a mean person.
I love this place more than words can tell.