I'm torn on this one. I love supporting local, family-owned businesses more than most people I know (try me!), but price is definitely an unavoidable factor as to whether I can continue to patronize a shop like this. I took a pair of heels and boots here and it was $90 total to get them both fixed. Granted, they weren't in the best shape, but that still seemed extraordinarily high.
I will give them credit for two things, though:
1. The workmanship was stellar. Worth paying for but maybe not quite that much :)
2. They open at 6am on weekdays. How awesome is that. It gets old for businesses to only open between 9am and 5pm as if somehow the world can get all their errands done during that timeframe. Kudos to these guys for offering that flexibility.
5 stars for quality and hours. Minus 1.5 for the price. 3 star result. Hate to do it, but the wallet is crying loudly on this one.